Seamlessly integrate your restaurant management system with local billing regulations, ensuring compliance and streamlining operations.
Real-Time Billing
Compliance Reports
Seamless Integration

AfipOs ensures that all transactions comply with Argentine fiscal legislation without additional effort from the restaurant. It operates invisibly alongside Joinposter, providing a smooth and uninterrupted user experience. The system generates monthly compliance reports, helping restaurants stay compliant with fiscal regulations. Additionally, AfipOs offers localized support and updates that consider the fiscal peculiarities of Argentina.

The integration uses a custom API that communicates between Joinposter and AFIP systems. The backend is powered by Prisma for server logic and Next.ts for integration with billing systems. The frontend is built with Next.ts for both user and administrative interfaces. PostgreSQL is used for storing transaction data and configurations. The system leverages RESTful protocols for API integrations and WebSockets for real-time updates.
AfipOs enables real-time billing by intercepting sales transactions from Joinposter, generating the corresponding invoice, and sending it to AFIP, returning the fiscal receipt to Joinposter. The system also generates monthly compliance reports to ensure adherence to Argentine fiscal regulations, helping restaurants always remain within the law.

AfipOs ensures regulatory compliance by guaranteeing that all transactions meet Argentine fiscal legislation without additional effort from the restaurant. The integration operates seamlessly with Joinposter, providing a smooth user experience. Localized support and updates are offered, considering Argentina’s specific fiscal requirements.